Sending is not working

Dear IoTeX Support,

I am writing to inquire about an issue I am experiencing while attempting to send IOTX tokens from the IoTeX Hub to my KuCoin exchange account.

I have tried both methods available on the IoTeX Hub:

  1. "Send" button at the top of the dashboard,

  2. "Send" button in the "Assets" subpage (under three dots in the IOTX row).

I have been using the KuCoin deposit address provided by the exchange, which begins with "io" (io1pzcvzu9dp9j9w26d8at2ttcp28yeh82zuakyug).

I also attempted to convert the "io" address to a "0x" address using the IoTeXScan address converter (resulting in 0x08b0c170ad0964572b4d3f56a5af0151c99b9d42).

However, in both cases, the transaction has not been successful. I have only attempted to send a small amount of 20 IOTX as a test before transferring larger holdings.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could investigate this issue why this is not working and provide guidance on how to successfully send IOTX from the IoTeX Hub to my KuCoin account.

Thank you for your time and assistance.


Becap s.r.o.

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19 days ago


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